Website (Contact information, HUBS; external Link)
Raúl Berlanga
Co-creation Specialist at Tampere University, Finland; Entrepreneurship and team learning coach at HUBS

HUBS is Tampere Universities’ unit for entrepreneurial studies. It offers free-choice studies that develop the skills and knowledge of students around the themes of innovation and entrepreneurship. While entrepreneurship might be a familiar concept for students of certain fields, it may be awfully strange to others, that is why HUBS develop activities that are open for every student at Tampere University, regardless of their field or year of study.
A person’s will, goodness, creativity and ability to grow and develop is the basic assumption behind the concept. A person is seen as a unique, self-imposed and goal-oriented individual, who trusts their own development opportunities. Students are empowered to become the best version of themselves.
HUBS courses are linked by trust in students and between students, collegiality, relaxed and encouraging atmosphere, authentic experiences with companies, use of team agreement, talking about learning (principles of dialogue, tasks of a learning team, three-layered learning, significance of trust in teamwork), encouraging continuous and open interaction, building trust in learning teams and project teams and also reflecting what has been learnt.
„Entrepreneurial studies: HUBS - future-proofing our students“
During this keynote, Raúl will speak on behalf of HUBS and will give an overview of the kind of activities he does at HUBS, how he strives to help students, but most importantly, why is it that he does what he does.