Our ColLab partners from Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) shared with us a few useful leads and links regarding communities of pedagogical practice in the German higher education sphere, especially linked with digital tools.

::. On www.e-teaching.org you will find scientifically sound and practice-oriented information on the design of higher education with digital media. The non-commercial portal is a service of the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media. Content is provided by experts in the field mainly. Next to written information webinars are organized or podcast created. Web-Page (and all offers) is in German.
::. The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) is a think tank that “orchestrates the discourse on higher education in the digital age”, with a mission to inform and advise and networks universities, politics, business and society in general in the field of digital education. Founded in 2014, the HFD is a joint initiative of CHE Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung, Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) and the Stifterverband and is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
(Note that most resources available in German).
::: The Lehren Community of Professionals brings together higher education professionals different disciplines and universities to accompany their work and strengthen the community, with the aim “to establish the network as a forum for the systematic development of higher education. The expertise lies in the institutions themselves and in the network’s members who, beyond Lehren, are ideally also experts in the field of teaching development and training”. Webpage is in german only, Flyer available in English.
::. The German Association for Educational and Academic Staff Development in Higher Education (DGHD) is the association of German speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). According to the website, “its members are institutions or persons that work and do research in the field of academic development or that are interested in developing the quality of Higher Education in German speaking countries”.
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::. Koehler, Thomas. (2005). Learning Communities und Communities of Practice – neue Instrumente für die Hochschulausbildung?. Scientific Reports. Journal of the University of Applied Sciences.
::. Pellert, Ada 2013 Fachgesellschaften als Community of Practice: Lernen miteinander und Unterstützung füreinander. 40 Jahre dghd open access.